Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people every year
Stay Away from Refined Sugars
What are refined sugars? Refined sugars are sugars extracted from sugar cane and sugar beets. You’ll find heaps of refined sugars in many of the processed foods you buy from the supermarket – like cereal, biscuits, and cola. Reducing the intake of these refined sugars, or cutting them off completely, will help prevent serious long-term conditions later in life.
Strength & Cardiovascular Training
Regular physical activity and exercise have several benefits on the body, including helping prevent diabetes.
Many studies have shown the positive effects of physical activity on increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing blood sugar.
Drink Adequate Amounts of Water
Drinking adequate amounts of water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. These body fluids are required for digestion, absorption, circulation, nutrient transportation, and maintaining body temperature.
Studies have found that drinking more water can help regulate blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity in your body.